This past Friday night, I visited with a mother/daughter book group in Peabody, MA. They had been reading THE SACRIFICE and asked if I would like to join them for their meeting. Mother/daughter or Father/Son book groups were not around when my girls were little. I wish they had been. It was such a fun night!
The girls started with pizza and then, we all got down to discussing THE SACRIFICE. When the evening was over, I thought about why these groups are so great - and why if you are a reader, you should try and start one yourself.
1. OKAY - THE OBVIOUS: YOU GET TO READ GREAT BOOKS. Book groups get suggestions from each other and from the readers in their group. You may love a book, and it is great to share it with others. On the other hand, you may not have heard about another book that is equally wonderful. Librarians can make suggestions on what to read. But isn't it better to hear about a book from your own friends - ones who share the same love of reading or interests that you do?
2. YOU GET TO EAT JUNK FOOD - Admit it. If you stayed home for the night, your mom would be serving broccoli and salmon. But no mom would dare to serve that at Book Group! Book Group nights are all about the pizza or some equally fabulous food! And if make-your-own sundaes or homemade brownies finish off the night, even better!
3. YOUR MOM MAY THINK SHE IS SPENDING TIME WITH YOU BUT YOU ARE ACTUALLY SPENDING TIME WITH YOUR FRIENDS - What better way to have an evening with a ton of your friends? Imagine this: "Hey mom, can I have twelve girls over for the night and could you make extra special food for them and clean up after us?" Not going to happen! But if you say, "Hey mom, can I have twelve girls over with their moms to discuss a book and have dinner?" Guess what? You've got a party!
4. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, IT WILL MAKE YOUR MOTHER, FATHER, AUNT, WHOMEVER YOU INVITE VERY, VERY HAPPY. - I'll let you in on a little secret. There is nothing moms love better than spending time with their daughters. Same goes for fathers, aunts, uncles and grandparents. On Saturday night, my college daughter brought six of her roommates home to spend the night. I was in heaven! If tomorrow was my last day on earth, I would want to spend it with my daughters. That said, your mom will love doing this with you. And as they say, when mommy's happy, everybody's happy! And it will make you feel great to do something for her - Trust me!
So go on! Start a mother/daughter, father/daughter, mother/son, grandmother/grandson whatever book group. You have nothing to lose and a party to gain!